// ==UserScript== // @name 微软积分商城签到 - 改 // @namespace https://github.com/geoi6sam1 // @version 3.0.0 // @description 每天自动完成 Microsoft Rewards 任务获取积分奖励,✅必应搜索(Web)、✅每日活动(Web)、✅更多活动(Web)、✅文章阅读(App)、✅每日签到(App) // @author geoi6sam1@qq.com // @icon https://store-images.s-microsoft.com/image/apps.58212.783a7d74-cf5a-4dca-aed6-b5722f311eca.f8c0cb0b-6b57-4f06-99b1-5d7ee04e38e6.517a44fd-f164-40ae-996b-f959198325c2 // @supportURL https://github.com/geoi6sam1/FuckScripts/issues // @crontab */20 * * * * // @grant unsafeWindow // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_openInTab // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_log // @connect bing.com // @connect rewards.bing.com // @connect login.live.com // @connect prod.rewardsplatform.microsoft.com // @connect dailyapi.eray.cc // @connect hot.baiwumm.com // @connect cnxiaobai.com // @connect hotapi.zhusun.top // @connect api-hot.imsyy.top // @connect hotapi.nntool.cc // @license GPL-3.0 // ==/UserScript== /* ==UserConfig== Config: app: title: 微软必应App(每日签到 + 文章阅读) type: checkbox default: false limit: title: 限制搜索(每次运行只搜索 4-8 次) type: checkbox default: true span: title: 搜索间隔(默认15,即间隔 10-20 秒) type: number default: 15 min: 10 max: 300 unit: ±5秒 api: title: 搜索词接口(单机模式为随机汉字组句) type: select default: 单机模式 values: [单机模式, hot.eray.cc, hot.baiwumm.com, hot.cnxiaobai.com, hot.zhusun.top, hot.imsyy.top, hot.nntool.cc] ==/UserConfig== */ const obj = { data: { time: { task: 3000 }, auth: { code: "https://login.live.com/oauth20_authorize.srf", token: "https://login.live.com/oauth20_token.srf", clientId: "0000000040170455", scope: "service::prod.rewardsplatform.microsoft.com::MBI_SSL", redirectUri: "https://login.live.com/oauth20_desktop.srf", }, ua: { pc: [ "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/124.0.2478.131", "Mozilla/5.0 (Sonoma; Intel Mac OS X 14_4_1) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/604.1 Edg/122.0.2365.106", "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/120.0.2210.181", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/109.0.1518.140", ], m: [ "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 14; 2210132C Build/UP1A.231005.007) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/125.0.6422.52 Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/537.36 EdgA/125.0.2535.51", "Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 16_7_8 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) EdgiOS/120.0.2210.150 Version/16.0 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1", "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 18_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) EdgiOS/123.0.2420.108 Version/18.0 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1", "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; HarmonyOS; ALN-AL10) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/537.36 EdgA/110.0.1587.61", ], }, api: { arr: [ ["hot.eray.cc", { url: "https://dailyapi.eray.cc/", hot: ["weibo", "douyin", "baidu", "toutiao", "thepaper", "qq-news", "netease-news", "zhihu"] }], ["hot.baiwumm.com", { url: "https://hot.baiwumm.com/api/", hot: ["weibo", "douyin", "baidu", "toutiao", "thepaper", "qq", "netease", "zhihu"] }], ["hot.cnxiaobai.com", { url: "https://cnxiaobai.com/DailyHotApi/", hot: ["weibo", "douyin", "baidu", "toutiao", "thepaper", "qq-news", "netease-news", "zhihu"] }], ["hot.zhusun.top", { url: "https://hotapi.zhusun.top/", hot: ["weibo", "douyin", "baidu", "toutiao", "thepaper", "qq-news", "netease-news", "zhihu"] }], ["hot.imsyy.top", { url: "https://api-hot.imsyy.top/", hot: ["weibo", "douyin", "baidu", "toutiao", "thepaper", "qq-news", "netease-news", "zhihu"] }], ["hot.nntool.cc", { url: "https://hotapi.nntool.cc/", hot: ["weibo", "douyin", "baidu", "toutiao", "thepaper", "qq-news", "netease-news", "zhihu"] }] ] }, web: 0, app: 0 }, task: { sign: { times: 0, point: 1, end: 0, }, read: { times: 0, point: 0, end: 0, }, promo: { times: 0, token: 0, end: 0, }, search: { word: { list: [], index: 0, }, times: 0, progressNow: 0, pc: { progress: 0, max: 1, }, m: { progress: 0, max: 1, }, limit: { min: 3, max: 7 }, index: 0, end: 0, }, token: 0, }, } obj.getRandomNum = function (num) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * num) } obj.getScopeRandomNum = function (min, max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max + 1 - min) + min) } obj.getRandomArr = function (arr) { return arr.sort(() => { return Math.random() - 0.5 }) } obj.getRandomChineseChar = function () { const codePoint = Math.floor(Math.random() * (0x9FFF - 0x4E00 + 1)) + 0x4E00 return String.fromCodePoint(codePoint) } obj.generateRandomChineseStr = function (minLength = 6, maxLength = 32) { const length = Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxLength - minLength + 1)) + minLength let result = "" for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { result += obj.getRandomChineseChar() } return result } obj.getRandomApiHot = function () { const lastIndex = parseInt(GM_getValue("last_index", -1)) const filteredArr = obj.data.api.hot.filter((name, index) => index != lastIndex) const randomIndex = obj.getRandomNum(filteredArr.length) GM_setValue("last_index", randomIndex) return filteredArr[randomIndex] } obj.beforeStart = function () { const dateTime = new Date() const yearNow = dateTime.getFullYear() const monthNow = ("0" + (dateTime.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2) const dayNow = ("0" + dateTime.getDate()).slice(-2) obj.data.time.hoursNow = Number(dateTime.getHours()) obj.data.time.dateNow = `${monthNow}/${dayNow}/${yearNow}` obj.data.time.dateNowNum = Number(`${yearNow}${monthNow}${dayNow}`) obj.task.search.limit.index = obj.getScopeRandomNum(obj.task.search.limit.min, obj.task.search.limit.max) if (GM_getValue("Config.api", "单机模式") != "单机模式") { const defaultApiName = "hot.eray.cc" const currentApiName = GM_getValue("Config.api", defaultApiName) const apiConfigMap = new Map(obj.data.api.arr) const getConfigApi = apiConfigMap.get(currentApiName) || apiConfigMap.get(defaultApiName) obj.data.api.url = getConfigApi.url obj.data.api.hot = getConfigApi.hot if (!apiConfigMap.has(currentApiName)) { GM_setValue("Config.api", "单机模式") } } } obj.getCode = function (url) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ url: url, onload(xhr) { const finalUrl = xhr.finalUrl const code = finalUrl.match(/M\.[\w+\.]+(\-\w+){4}/) if (code) { resolve(code[0]) } else { resolve(xhr.status) } } }) }) } obj.getToken = function (url) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ url: url, onload(xhr) { if (xhr.status == 200) { let res = xhr.responseText res = JSON.parse(res) const refreshToken = res.refresh_token const accessToken = res.access_token if (refreshToken && accessToken) { GM_setValue("refresh_token", refreshToken) obj.task.token = accessToken resolve(1) } else { resolve(0) } } else { resolve(xhr.status) } } }) }) } obj.isExpired = async function () { obj.tokenCallback = function (num, log) { if (obj.data.app > 2) { obj.task.sign.end++ obj.task.read.end++ } else if (num != 1) { obj.data.app++ GM_setValue("refresh_token", 0) setTimeout(() => { obj.isExpired() }, obj.data.time.task) } } if (GM_getValue("refresh_token", 0) == 0) { const url = `${obj.data.auth.code}?client_id=${obj.data.auth.clientId}&scope=${obj.data.auth.scope}&response_type=code&redirect_uri=${obj.data.auth.redirectUri}` const code = await obj.getCode(encodeURI(url)) if (typeof code == "number") { if (obj.data.app > 2) { obj.task.sign.end++ obj.task.read.end++ } else { obj.data.app++ setTimeout(() => { obj.isExpired() }, obj.data.time.task) } } else { const url = `${obj.data.auth.token}?client_id=${obj.data.auth.clientId}&code=${code}&redirect_uri=${obj.data.auth.redirectUri}&grant_type=authorization_code` const token = await obj.getToken(encodeURI(url)) obj.tokenCallback(token) } } else { const url = `${obj.data.auth.token}?client_id=${obj.data.auth.clientId}&refresh_token=${GM_getValue("refresh_token", 0)}&scope=${obj.data.auth.scope}&grant_type=REFRESH_TOKEN` const token = await obj.getToken(encodeURI(url)) obj.tokenCallback(token) } } obj.getRewardsInfo = function () { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ url: "https://rewards.bing.com/api/getuserinfo?type=1", onload(xhr) { if (xhr.status == 200) { let res = xhr.responseText const data = res.match(/(\"dashboard\"?)/) if (data && data[0]) { res = JSON.parse(res) resolve(res.dashboard) } else { obj.task.sign.end++ obj.task.read.end++ obj.task.promo.end++ obj.task.search.end++ obj.data.web++ resolve(0) } } else { resolve(0) } } }) }) } obj.getRewardsToken = function () { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ url: "https://rewards.bing.com", onload(xhr) { if (xhr.status == 200) { let res = xhr.responseText const html = res.replace(/\s/g, "") const data = html.match(/RequestVerificationToken/) if (data && data[0]) { const token = html.match(/RequestVerificationToken"type="hidden"value="(.*?)"\/>/) resolve(token[1]) } else { obj.task.promo.end++ resolve(0) } } else { resolve(0) } } }) }) } obj.taskPromo = async function () { if (obj.task.promo.end > 0) { return true } else if (obj.data.time.hoursNow < 12) { obj.task.promo.end++ return true } else if (obj.task.promo.times > 2) { obj.task.promo.end++ return true } else { const dashboard = await obj.getRewardsInfo() if (dashboard == 0) { return false } else { let promotionsArr = [] const morePromotions = dashboard.morePromotions const dailySetPromotions = dashboard.dailySetPromotions[obj.data.time.dateNow] const streakProtection = dashboard.streakProtectionPromo.streakProtectionStatus for (const p of [...dailySetPromotions, ...morePromotions]) { if (p.complete == false) { promotionsArr.push({ offerId: p.offerId, hash: p.hash }) } } obj.task.promo.token = await obj.getRewardsToken() if (obj.task.promo.token == 0) { return false } else { if (streakProtection && streakProtection == "False") { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "POST", url: `https://rewards.bing.com/api/togglestreakasync`, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Referer": `https://rewards.bing.com/` }, data: `isOn=true&activityAmount=1&form=&__RequestVerificationToken=${obj.task.promo.token}` }) } if (promotionsArr.length < 1) { obj.task.promo.end++ GM_setValue("task_promo", obj.data.time.dateNowNum) return true } else { GM_setValue("task_promo", 0) promotionsArr.forEach((item) => { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "POST", url: `https://rewards.bing.com/api/reportactivity`, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Referer": `https://rewards.bing.com/` }, data: `id=${item.offerId}&hash=${item.hash}&__RequestVerificationToken=${obj.task.promo.token}` }) }) obj.task.promo.times++ return false } } } } } obj.getReadPro = function () { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let readArr = { "max": 1, "progress": 0 } GM_xmlhttpRequest({ url: "https://prod.rewardsplatform.microsoft.com/dapi/me?channel=SAAndroid&options=613", headers: { "authorization": `Bearer ${obj.task.token}` }, onload(xhr) { if (xhr.status == 200) { let res = xhr.responseText res = JSON.parse(res) const pro = res.response.promotions if (pro) { for (const o of pro) { if (o.attributes.offerid == "ENUS_readarticle3_30points") { readArr = { "max": Number(o.attributes.max), "progress": Number(o.attributes.progress) } resolve(readArr) } } } else { resolve(readArr) } } else { resolve(readArr) } } }) }) } obj.taskRead = async function () { if (obj.task.read.end > 0) { return true } else if (obj.data.time.hoursNow < 12) { obj.task.read.end++ return true } else if (obj.task.read.times > 2) { obj.task.read.end++ return true } else if (obj.task.token == 0) { return false } else { const readPro = await obj.getReadPro() if (readPro.progress > obj.task.read.point) { obj.task.read.times = 0 obj.task.read.point = readPro.progress } else { obj.task.read.times++ } if (readPro.progress >= readPro.max) { obj.task.read.end++ GM_setValue("task_read", obj.data.time.dateNowNum) return true } else { GM_setValue("task_read", 0) GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "POST", url: "https://prod.rewardsplatform.microsoft.com/dapi/me/activities", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", "authorization": `Bearer ${obj.task.token}` }, data: JSON.stringify({ "amount": 1, "country": "cn", "id": "", "type": 101, "attributes": { "offerid": "ENUS_readarticle3_30points" } }), responseType: "json" }) return false } } } obj.taskSign = function () { if (obj.task.sign.end > 0 || GM_getValue("task_sign", 0) == obj.data.time.dateNowNum) { obj.task.sign.end++ return true } else if (obj.task.sign.times > 2) { obj.task.sign.end++ return true } else if (obj.task.sign.point == 0) { obj.task.sign.end++ GM_setValue("task_sign", obj.data.time.dateNowNum) return true } else if (obj.task.token == 0) { return false } else { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "POST", url: "https://prod.rewardsplatform.microsoft.com/dapi/me/activities", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", "authorization": `Bearer ${obj.task.token}` }, data: JSON.stringify({ "amount": 1, "attributes": { "offerid": "Gamification_Sapphire_DailyCheckIn", "date": obj.data.time.dateNowNum, "signIn": false, "timezoneOffset": "08:00:00" }, "id": "", "type": 101, "country": "cn", "risk_context": {}, "channel": "SAAndroid" }), responseType: "json", onload(xhr) { obj.task.sign.times = 0 let res = xhr.responseText if (res) { res = JSON.parse(res) const point = res.response.activity.p point ? obj.task.sign.point = point : obj.task.sign.point = 0 } else { obj.task.sign.times++ } } }) return false } } obj.getTopKeyword = function () { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let sentence = obj.generateRandomChineseStr() if (GM_getValue("Config.api", "单机模式") == "单机模式") { resolve(sentence) } else { if (obj.task.search.word.index < 1 || obj.task.search.word.list.length < 1) { const apiHot = obj.getRandomApiHot() GM_xmlhttpRequest({ timeout: 9999, url: obj.data.api.url + apiHot, onload(xhr) { if (xhr.status == 200) { let res = xhr.responseText res = JSON.parse(res) if (res.code == 200) { obj.task.search.word.index = 1 for (let i = 0; i < res.data.length; i++) { obj.task.search.word.list.push(res.data[i].title) } obj.task.search.word.list = obj.getRandomArr(obj.task.search.word.list) sentence = obj.task.search.word.list[obj.task.search.word.index] resolve(sentence) } else { resolve(sentence) } } else { resolve(sentence) } }, ontimeout() { resolve(sentence) } }) } else { obj.task.search.word.index++ if (obj.task.search.word.index > obj.task.search.word.list.length - 1) { obj.task.search.word.index = 0 } const sentence = obj.task.search.word.list[obj.task.search.word.index] resolve(sentence) } } }) } obj.taskSearch = async function () { if (obj.task.search.end > 0) { return true } else { const dashboard = await obj.getRewardsInfo() if (dashboard == 0) { return false } else { if (dashboard.userStatus.counters.pcSearch) { obj.task.search.pc.progress = dashboard.userStatus.counters.pcSearch[0].pointProgress obj.task.search.pc.max = dashboard.userStatus.counters.pcSearch[0].pointProgressMax } if (dashboard.userStatus.counters.mobileSearch) { obj.task.search.m.progress = dashboard.userStatus.counters.mobileSearch[0].pointProgress obj.task.search.m.max = dashboard.userStatus.counters.mobileSearch[0].pointProgressMax } else { obj.task.search.m.max = 0 } if (GM_getValue("Config.limit", true) == true) { if (obj.task.search.index > obj.task.search.limit.index) { obj.task.search.end++ return true } } else { if (obj.task.search.times > 2) { obj.task.search.end++ return true } if (dashboard.userStatus.counters.dailyPoint[0].pointProgress == obj.task.search.progressNow) { obj.task.search.times++ } else { obj.task.search.times = 0 obj.task.search.progressNow = dashboard.userStatus.counters.dailyPoint[0].pointProgress } } if (obj.task.search.pc.progress >= obj.task.search.pc.max && obj.task.search.m.progress >= obj.task.search.m.max) { obj.task.search.end++ GM_setValue("task_search", obj.data.time.dateNowNum) return true } else { GM_setValue("task_search", 0) const keyword = await obj.getTopKeyword() const bParam = `q=${keyword}&qs=ds&form=QBLH` const bUrl = `https://bing.com/search?${bParam}` if (obj.task.search.pc.progress < obj.task.search.pc.max) { const userAgent = obj.data.ua.pc[obj.getRandomNum(obj.data.ua.pc.length)] GM_xmlhttpRequest({ url: bUrl, headers: { "User-Agent": userAgent }, onload() { obj.task.search.index++ } }) return false } if (obj.task.search.m.progress < obj.task.search.m.max) { const userAgent = obj.data.ua.m[obj.getRandomNum(obj.data.ua.m.length)] GM_xmlhttpRequest({ url: bUrl, headers: { "User-Agent": userAgent }, onload() { obj.task.search.index++ } }) return false } } } } } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { obj.beforeStart() obj.taskEnd = function () { if (obj.task.sign.end > 0 && obj.task.read.end > 0 && obj.task.promo.end > 0 && obj.task.search.end > 0) { resolve() } } obj.signStart = async function () { try { const result = await obj.taskSign() result ? obj.taskEnd() : setTimeout(() => { obj.signStart() }, obj.data.time.task) } catch (e) { reject(e) } } obj.readStart = async function () { try { const result = await obj.taskRead() result ? obj.taskEnd() : setTimeout(() => { obj.readStart() }, obj.data.time.task) } catch (e) { reject(e) } } obj.promoStart = async function () { try { const result = await obj.taskPromo() result ? obj.taskEnd() : setTimeout(() => { obj.promoStart() }, obj.data.time.task) } catch (e) { reject(e) } } obj.searchStart = async function () { try { const result = await obj.taskSearch() const timespan = GM_getValue("Config.span", 15) * 1000 result ? obj.taskEnd() : setTimeout(() => { obj.searchStart() }, obj.getScopeRandomNum(timespan - 5000, timespan + 5000)) } catch (e) { reject(e) } } obj.taskStart = function () { if (GM_getValue("Config.app", false) == true) { obj.isExpired() } else { obj.task.sign.end++ obj.task.read.end++ } obj.promoStart() obj.signStart() obj.readStart() obj.searchStart() }() })